Hi I'm Alice Moran from New Zealand. I have just completed my University degree and have travelled to Europe for the first time to immerse myself in the European cross country ski culture.
In New Zealand I instruct Cross Country skiing at Snow Farm NZ and volunteer instructor with Snow Farm Snow Girls ski program.
I’m currently working in Seefeld, Austria as a Cross Country Ski Instructor. During the weekends I plan to travel to the races below. Look out for me at the races as I enjoy meeting skiers from around the world. I will be very happy to give you any information or tips about the Merino Muster, traveling to New Zealand and the local Wanaka area .
My Planned Races:
Dolomitenlauf, Austria
Marcialonga, Italy
Kong Ludwig Lauf. Germany
La Transjurassienne France
Tartu Maraton, Estonia
Finlandia-hiihto, Finland
Vasalooppet/ OppetSpar, Sweden
Engadin Skimarathon, Switzerland
Birkebeinerrennet, Norway
Night Fossavatn, Iceland
#snowfarmfun @snowfarmnz #worldloppet #skiaroundtheworld #merinomusterlove